Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More RSV2 online

Getting a little tired of the bull that goes on in Rainbow Six muliplayer. Mostly I hate that selecting a match based on game mode doesn't always mean you'll be playing that game mode. I find that most of the "attack/defend" or "team leader" games that I join have been convened in disguise and are really team death match games. By this I mean that if you actually try to achieve the objective (such as reaching the extraction point in team leader) it pisses off everybody and gets you yelled at. They don't want to play that way they just want to play deathmatch with the respawn twist that team leader provides. That's fine I guess but it's not an excuse to cop an attitude when someone who just came in thinks you are playing an actual team leader match. Speaking of which, that leads me to my biggest issue. Certain people will host a match and simply have everyone in the room agree not to use a certain weapon. That too is fine, but if you have "allow join in progress" turned on newcomers don't know about the rule and again end up getting whined at. The thing is, you can exclude weapons from use in the game rules and then no one can use them, but no one takes the time to do this, they would rather whine after the fact. The thing that really makes me mad is how common this is. I bought a game with 40-some weapons in it and I'd like to play that game please. One time I got so fed up with finding nothing but pistol-only matches I decided to rebel and just use a sniper rifle... in close quarters. Hey, when you're not scoped in it’s like a pistol! Eventually the whiner booted me. But then I joined another match not realizing that it was the same game only on a different map! After walking up behind the host and executing him with a shotgun I was booted again but the parting shot (pun intended) was well worth it. OH! and speaking of getting weird about weapons, what the hell is wrong with using grenades!!! "Oh wow, you killed me with a grenade, how do you feel?" I feel freaking great knowing that you get pissed when I own your camping ass by being smarter than you. Thanks for asking. Then my absolute favorite is people who talk shit... to their teammates. I had one guy who had died and was spectating me telling me how much I suck. The guy who was DEAD telling me how much I suck. Let that sink in for a while. Oh well, he got to watch me make the winning kill... on a camper... with a grenade.

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