Last month just kinda sucked. My new (to me) car broke a week after I got it and it's been in the shop since, getting one transmission part or another replaced, my mechanic's shoulders hung in a perpetual shrug. Then my computer got fried. Like the mother won't boot to BIOS fried. On the up side I bought this to replace it:
Samsung RC512. I spent waaay more than I wanted to but my desire to finally have a machine that could handle everything I needed outweighed my usual obsessive thriftiness.
I'm sure there was some other January bullshit but I'm too tired to remember any of it right now which I suppose is good. The TV and headphones (see last post) are awesome. I had heard some recommendations against the wireless version of the X11s but I'm kind of wishing I had gotten them. The cord is really long which is awesome but it gets in the way sometimes and I end up bumping the volume knobs accidentally. Also I have to take them off to go make a sandwich or take a bathroom break. That's right, I used to party chat in the bathroom. It happened and I'm not sorry.
So despite all the work I have to do I've made plenty of time for my habit. Lords of Shadow is an impressive game but it's god-awful hard. I have yet to turn that game off in a fashion that didn't involve screaming. The free download of Symphony of the Night was way more fun. I'm still trying to beat the game as Richter. Difficult but not to the point where I want to stop playing.
The last couple of days I put my borrowed copy of ES4: Oblivion in and quickly sacrificed some hours of my life to its beautiful altar. It really is a fantastic game! I never want to turn it off, to the detriment of sleep (always badly needed at this point) and food. I don't even know who's game it is. One of my wife's co-workers lent it to her months ago thinking she might play it (yeah right) and I tried it out. Thinking they would want it back I didn't let myself get too into it but it's been a while and they never asked for it back so... YOINK! Maybe It's like the monkey's paw, and they were just trying to get rid of it on some other doomed soul with a wish in their heart. A wish for awesome video games.
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